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Effective Family Planning and Women Care During Grown-up Age

Effective Family Planning and Women Care During Grown-up Age

David Miller 854 07-Apr-2020

Most teenagers and grown-up women understand the integral part of family planning plays in their lives and the need to look for the right medical doctor. A birth control specialist helps educate women on the various family planning methods that are available for them and help them in making decisions on the choices at their disposal. Arlington contraception is readily available to patients, but it is required that a doctor assess the medical records of a patient before recommending a given method of family planning. Other factors that could be of importance to a doctor are knowing the patient's sex frequency and whether they want to have children now, never, or sometime in the future.

Most women have a lot of questions when choosing a family planning method, like how likely the technique will work on them. The likelihood of a family planning method to prevent pregnancy can be determined by proven statistics on the number of pregnancies in 100 women using the method in a given period, say one year. Another factor that is of significant concern to most women is the ability of a particular type of birth control to prevent sexually transmitted infections. A doctor, in this case, will recommend a condom which could be combined with a spermicide.  A woman should assess their feelings on getting pregnant in choosing a method of family planning as well as the cost and the ease of availability of the selected family method.

Types of Family Planning Methods
There are various family planning methods available to women, such as the barrier method of family planning, which is the use of a condom. A condom is made of polyurethane sheath that can be worn on an erect penis for males, and the female condom is inserted in the vagina before sex. A condom is a form that requires that one should always stick to the method to avoid getting pregnant whenever they have sex. Condoms also prevent sexual infections and are more effective if they have spermicides, one can get them quickly in public hospitals where they are freely offered without a prescription.

Birth control pills are another standard method of contraception; conventional types contain hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and progestin. The hormonal contraception method of family planning works by either suppressing ovulation or thickening the uterine wall in women, making it hard for an optimal egg to implant itself on the uterus after fertilization. There are other long-lasting and reversible methods that do not rely on hormones, and these include intrauterine devices (IUD), which are inserted on the womb in the form of copper and can serve a patient for more than five years.

Additional Services that are Offered by a Birth Control Specialist
Most birth control specialists will provide other services in addition to family planning, which includes testing for sexually transmitted infections. They further advise patients on treating STDs and how to prevent them in the future. They also test for pregnancies and advise women on caring for themselves when pregnant. Teens are encouraged to get a family planning method that works for them if they are sexually active; they can always seek support and explore the health options available. Postpartum family planning methods are available to women with the necessary support during this period.

Updated 07-Apr-2020
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